Reminder – I'll be a guest for an 8- to 10-minute video interview on the show Quality Digest Live, today at 2 pm ET. Click here to watch live or watch live via YouTube (it will also be available as a recording).
Here's another upcoming event… At the request of my colleagues at KaiNexus, I'm going to be presenting a free webinar next Wednesday, July 27:
Everything You Need to Know About Strategy Deployment
Here is the recording:
It might be more accurately titled, “Many of the Things I Know About Strategy Deployment,” but I'll do my best to guess what you need to know – to get started or to tweak your approach, based on my studies and experience. I hope what I know and what I can communicate lines up with that you need to know :-)

You can read my two-part article about Strategy Deployment as a Series of Hypotheses (Part 1 and Part 2). I'll have other ideas to add in the webinar, starting with more of a “Strategy Deployment 101” introduction (aka Hoshin Kanri or Hoshin Planning).
I still recommend, by the way, this educational DVD that I helped produce when I worked for LEI and the ThedaCare Center for Healthcare Value a few years back:
Thinking Lean at ThedaCare DVD:
Strategy Deployment, Alignment & Leadership
Ah, it's now available, for a lower price, as a streaming video ($40 to “rent” or $80 to “buy).

Anyway, hope to see you on the webinar!
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