Monday morning blues ‘are a myth' – Science, News – The Independent
I'm going to take a bit of a “blog holiday” this weekend, since it's a holiday in the U.S. (I prefer to call it “Independence Day,” not the meaning-draining “July 4th”) and my wife and I are on holiday in London. Celebrating our American independence by visiting our old colonial ruler. No hard feelings, anymore, on either side!
Anyway, this article reminded me of comments I've heard our good friend Norman Bodek make a few times recently. Norman tells a story about how he always asks audiences what day of the week they like best. People hardly ever say Monday, their favorite day of the week is usually Friday. Norman say that's sad, as people should be able to enjoy their work, that Monday shouldn't be such a dreaded day.So the linked article caught my eye – is this a myth that people hate Mondays? The article reads, in part:
Monday morning blues are a figment of the imagination, according to Australian scientists, who also say Friday euphoria is a chimera too.Psychologists at the University of Sydney collected information from hundreds of locals, who were asked on which morning and evening they felt best and worst. A separate study tracked their actual mood day by day. Results were compared.The scientists found that people dreaded Monday mornings and loved Friday evenings – but only with hindsight, or when looking ahead. Their moods showed that, in reality, happiness levels varied little.
Of course, it doesn't seem like very rigorous research, based on self reporting and a few hundred people in one location. Do people report hating Mondays because of peer pressure or societal pressures? I love my work… but do I look like a geek for admitting that in a room of people who might NOT love their job?
Anyway, as Norman says, I hope you *do* enjoy your work. But, in the U.S., it's a Friday AND a holiday, so I'm sure you're loving today. Have a great holiday and a great weekend. What do you think of all this? Do people really hate Mondays? Do you?
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