Rockwell "Power Lean"


Rockwell Automation Power Services – Lean Production Overview

I've seen many companies that create their own buzzword or name for TPS and Lean Manufacturing. I just came across Rockwell Automation System's “Power Lean” program. It appears that they are selling training/consulting as a service to customers of theirs. Do you think there is value to giving it a trademarked name like “Power Lean”? Does that help attract the attention of executives or is that a problem if they are only attracted by a catchy name like that? Is there something wrong with just applying the principles without creating a program around it? What do you think? Click comments…..

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Mark Graban
Mark Graban is an internationally-recognized consultant, author, and professional speaker, and podcaster with experience in healthcare, manufacturing, and startups. Mark's new book is The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation. He is also the author of Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More, the Shingo Award-winning books Lean Hospitals and Healthcare Kaizen, and the anthology Practicing Lean. Mark is also a Senior Advisor to the technology company KaiNexus.


  1. I wish we could claim the foresight of creating a snappy name for commercial marketing purposes, but the term “Power Lean” was created nearly 8 years ago as a way to reference the unique Lean/Six-Sigma and Maintenance performance improvement efforts implemented at Rockwell Automation Power Systems. The excellent results of those continuing efforts legitimized the commercialization of the process thus enabling the leveraging of the term Power Lean. What ultimately attracts the attention of executives is the significant, relatively quick and sustainable enterprise-wide improvements which result from our assistance with their implementation effort.

    There clearly is nothing new with Lean, Six-Sigma or maintenance and reliability programs. What is quite unique is the integration of the three in manner allowing the collaboration of ideas for managers, the broadest selection of tools for the practitioner, and the sizable minimization of worker alienation from the plant/shop floor engagements.

    It is the experience of our implementation – and as such a tenet of our commercial program – that without the discipline of an engagement program around the principles, there is a high bias toward the implementation of “Random Improvement Modes” (RIM) throughout the organization. Maybe this will result in islands of excellence, providing incidental results, but overall the organization will struggle at best, and at worst achieve only failure to meet the goals expected.

    The people and products or Rockwell Automation as represented by the Dodge, Reliance, Allen-Bradley and other brands have been invited to create and improve the operations of the leading manufacturers of the world for well over one hundred years. The “Power Enterprise” family of performance improvement offerings is just another way Rockwell Automation is helping our customers on their journey to operational excellence.

    Power Enterprise is comprised of Power Lean, Power Maintenance, Total Cost of Ownership Consulting (TCO), Power Business Process, and Shop Improvement Programs (Power Lean for job shops).

    See us at our website:, or call 1.877.736.4357


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