We didn't do a live stream like last time, but we did record another video for the Lean Whiskey podcast series, here for Episode #16. You can also listen as an audio podcast, as usual.
Today, Mark Graban and Jamie Flinchbaugh take a little longer than usual to get to the lean talk. Our whiskey theme this time was cocktails, which take longer to make (and apparently to talk about) than pouring neat whiskey into a tumbler. Mark made a Boulevardier and Jamie made an Old Fashioned. We discuss bar tools and stirring versus shaking (sorry Mr. Bond, see the links below). See, we talked about process.
We also explore Mark's experience in traveling coast to coast in his move from Orlando to LA, and share a little more on what we've both been up to. For our In the News article, we explore the grand experiment of working from home, and what it means for businesses, technology, culture, and jobs. We even explore how KaiNexus is dealing with it as a company. It may possibly be that the grand experiment leaves a greater lasting impression than the virus itself.
We spend a little time exploring a listener's question on how lean thinking can help us deal with larger complex problems, such as reopening the economy. And we close by answering a question more about gratitude, which is what surprising good thing has come from our shelter-in-place time? Cheers!
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Cheers! If you have any feedback or ideas for the podcast, let us know!
Episode #16 Show Links:
Here are some links from the show:
- Watch the video version of the episode
- You can check out our YouTube channels, Mark's here and Jamie's here
- Jamie has been working on launching a new program, the JFlinch Learning Lab. You can see the announcement in his newsletter here and you can sign up for his newsletter here.
- Mark is launching a new podcast with Value Capture honoring the legacy of the firm's founder, Paul O'Neill. The podcast is called Habitual Excellence, which you can find here.
- Jamie's cocktail was an Old Fashioned with Glenn's Creek Distillery's Cuervito Vivo and homemade maple simple syrup
- Mark's cocktail was a Boulevardier with Michter's Straight Rye, Campari, and Cocchi sweet vermouth
- Mark and Jamie debate (well, we actually agree) on whether we should shake or stir, but the right bar equipment is important, such as Mark's jigger.
- Shaken or stirred. As a fun bonus, here's every James Bond saying “shaken, not stirred”, and West Wing's President Bartlett mocking James Bond.
In the news, we've talked about this grand experiment (with thousands of embedded smaller experiments) called “working from home”. Here's an early article exploring China who went first, an interesting piece from Fast Company, and something from CNBC about how work will be affected. I also mentioned virtual working expert Sacha Conner. And here's Kainexus' blog post about their remote work from March.
Find the podcast feed and past episodes at LeanWhiskey.com or at leanblog.org/leanwhiskey or at jflinch.com/leanwhiskeyÂ
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